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The thatch in your lawn is a layer of dead grass – or plant material – that includes roots, grass and leaves, which lay on the surface of the soil. While some may consider it a “compost” material, it is actually a decomposing plant material that can suffocate your lawn. To ensure a healthy lawn after a long and cold Spokane winter, it is important to expose the soil to warmth and sunlight. The best way to do this is to dethatch your lawn.

If you have a build up of thatch, healthy root growth is nearly impossible. By dethatching, you are able to help circulate air deep down into the roots, and providing necessary carbon dioxide. Not only does this stimulate existing roots, but also encourages new root growth.

If there is a thatch build up on your lawn, applied fertilizers cannot properly blend with the soil. Dethatching ensures that your fertilizers are able to work effectively, and spread properly across your lawn and throughout the soil.

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